
Showing posts from July, 2009

Fiction Friday!!

So I'm participating in my first fiction Friday challenge, here's the premise.... [Fiction] Friday Challenge for July 17th, 2009 On the way home from work your character stops into a music store and purchases an unusual musical instrument that they’ve always wanted to learn to learn to play. Why today? *************************************************************************** Today was on of those days I wish I could quit my job, thought Gia. Everything that could go wrong went wrong, whenever she thought she solved a problem she found new problems. Normally she can keep her bosses happy, today they were less than happy. But not just today the whole week. Her confidence in her ability to do her job was at its lowest. She wanted to escape, she wanted to hide. Thank goodness it was Friday! She never thought TGIF would mean so much to her. Gia was dreaming of a glass of Reisling at the stop light on Sunset and to her right was a Guitar Center. A faint smile spread on her lips and...

A random Monday night

So when I was on vacation I said I wanted to pierce my nipple. With funds being odd I decided against it and plus didnt want to be on a plane with a newly pierced nipple. So tonight while I was trying to figure out how to pass time I decided why the hell not?! So I called up a few places to see about cost but most were too expensive. The first place I called was cool and the price was reasonable. I went with them. Kristi explained what would happened advised to do both but if I couldnt take the pain I didnt have to. I picked my ball color (seagreen blue) and went in. IT FUCKEN HURT!! That shit fucking burns!! URGH!! Dont think I'm getting the second anytime soon.