2009 already?

I'mhappy to say the blues have seem to disappear. I think its because I've increased my calorie intake. My last flash of the blues happened during Girls Night. I was just not happy, Mari bought me a kickass scarf to make me feel better but I couldnt shake the feeling. Then the following week nothing and its been like that for weeks now. I'm loving it!

I signed up for Eharmony! I'm such an idiot. I broke one of my own dating rule....never date before V-Day. But guys on E don't want a BBW. They want skinny minny and that's cool. I'm just not that girl. Next month I'll figure something out. My best Friend is going through a break up and i feel bad. I think the guy is nice at times but he's not one for emotions. And for a fiery Latina that's not going to work. I just wish they work it out they're good together.

But I'm trying to do more. I've found a group that understands my Twilight craze!! LOL I can't think about Twilight all day and they think its normal, its ok to re-read the books and I won't get strange looks. I'm a happy member of Twilightmoms. I even went to the movies with some of the ladies from the group and indulged in my Twilight fascination.

As usual I think my love for Twilight is just the romantic in me. Then there's the girl who never had a HS sweet heart or actually been so in love at 32. That's just so sad. But I my goal is to love me first that's the only way to find that other thing I'm looking for.

I was talking with a co-worker about having kids the this week and I still have reservations about me being prego in 2 years but at the same time I want to see a little me walking around. My dream....no my desire to adopt is still there. I think it will make me happy in some odd way....until they become teenagers.

Just started watching the distrubing show Dexter, yet I like it.

Last week i read 9 books and none were Twilight. Most were Danielle Steele and James Patterson. I should really update my short and take it to the next level.


You read like I do usually. Nine books?! I love to read.

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