More lay offs.....

For weeks....actually months I've been watching companies announce they're laying off people left and right. Today it hit a little closer to home. My previous job Virgin did a massive lay off and they few people i knew that remained with the company were laid off today.
One girl has 3 kids and finally got into a position that really suit her because she's o social. Another guy also has 3 kids was laid off and I hope he uses his contacts in the gaming industry to find a job. Another 2 were older, the lady is a few years shy of retirement and the guy I have a feeling will eventutally find something (just make sure he has his daily dose of cookies). Another woman i didnt really care for but I still feel bad.

The worst part there was NO WARNING!! They didnt even give the people a week. They called them in one by one and said today is your last day. The few people I know in management were heartbroken they had to say goodbye to their staff.

I know nothing is guraeeteed (sp?), I do appreciate my job no matter what complaints I have. I know they're trying to keep as many of up as possible but one day this could be me. And I'm scared.


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