A little worried....

Last week i went to a party and had to stop at a friends house because I was so cold. i figure go over to JV's and chill then go home. The chills got so bad, they even gave me tea and I never got warm. It was like I was outside in the elements and freezing to death. The other weird thing I would just fall asleep in the middle of a sentence, we figured that my potassium and iron was low. I'd planned to get those items but money was a little tight. I knew I needed to make a payment on my cell.
Today I woke up at 9 am....that's RARE for me. Then after coming home from the Grove adventure I slept on and off for 3 hours. At first I thought my sugar was high but now its not just that I think the lack of iron is getting to me. I just want to make it to Friday (payday!!). I feel like I do on Wednesdays after a 100Monkeys show. Just so drained. Normally when I take a nap I'm up way longer than my usual bed time. I have a feeling if I get into bed I would be out within 20 mins.
Yestersay was another sorta bad day for me not because it was V-Day it was my stomach. It hurt like hell. I think my jeans were too fitted (the were the right size for once), I had to change into my old jeans to relieve the pressure. But by then it was too late, it was nicer version of dumping for me but still painful.


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