
My Family is an odd bunch.
My nephew is in town and he's staying with my dad during the week and weekend at my mom's house. Why they treat him like he's 12 is beyond me he's freakin' 19!! LOL Anyway, whenever I see my dad he finds something to lecture me about....but I realize its not so much a lecture its just his way of making sure he's apart of my life. He's not telling me I'm doing something wrong more like lets review all avenues. I guess I really am a Daddy's girl at heart.
Its strange my step niece and I.....I think we might actually be friends! So far we have music and tattoos in common. I think its a great bridge. Who knew if you open your eyes what you find in front of you.
I'm just happy they're around, the whole crazy lot....and I havent even started on my momma side....well some of them i can do without.


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