Michael Jackson.....WTF?!
Michael Jackson: The King of Pop

Today I'm at a lost. Even though I've heard it a million times but to hear Micheal Jackson passed away still boggles my mind. Yeah he was my first celebrity crush but his music....his music was amazing. I know many, MANY try to duplicate him but he was the originator, the fucking creator of Pop music.
For years I wished his personal issues would go away so he could put out a good record. I wished and Quincey Jones would rejoin forces and make musical magic. Its the magic that's missing from music today. I wanted....no I needed so just pure and vibrant. But that never came to be. I knew I wouldnt be able to see his concerts he was planning in London but if I had the time and money I would have gone!
Its so sad that someone so full of musical genius is no longer with us. I never knew my heart could hurt for someone I didn't know. I never lost someone who's talent was apart of the soundtrack of my life. Some songs I could hear and remember my childhood and smile.
photo: Wenn