
People use the term BFF, besties, best friends way too loosely. In truth those people you call besties can you depend on them in a jam?

I can truly say I can count on 1 hand how many people I can depend on and even that's with some restrictions.

But way make more than it seems? Why put these crazy labels on something that's not really that way?

Is it because you WANT the BFF who will hold your hand every time the world does you wrong? Or is he/she someone who will give you their last dime & clothes off their back to make sure your happy.

Seriously grow some because that shit ain't real. Being a besties as you twitter people like to say will help you grow some balls and help when it's needed but don't drain your source people, even the best person can take the whoa is me shit.

Being a BFF or simply a friend works both ways. It's hard work to maintain it but making the effort is half the battle.

I've been on both ends of the spectrum, I've been dissed by friends & I've also done my share of dissing and if I do that I'm at an end.

I know a girl who would block you from twitter, keep you in fb cause doesn't check it often enough to be tired of you. Have I gotten that bad....not yet. I sometimes need a break & will not read your tweets & fb updates. Even then it's a bare minimum.


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