Friday Fiction has arrived and I barely made it!! Please leave a comment!!! Directions: End your story with “Hello Jones!” *********************************************************8 I should have said NO, Cara muttered under her breath as the maitr’d seated her and explained her server will be with her momentarily. Cara wasn’t really listening, she was nervous and wanted to go home and hide in her forum, the place it didn’t matter what she did or didn’t do. She accepted wholeheartedly. She didn’t want to think about the fact being in the said forum is the reason she’s out on a Thursday evening waiting for her mystery date, not a date more like a Hey What’s Up? . Do you wear a new outfit to a Hey What’s Up, she asked her self, after several years of being alone she answered a solid NO. DontCara: I thought the Temple of Doom sucked. GeekForce1: How could you think Temple of Doom sucked but the new Star Wars were decent movies? DontCara: It didn’t say they were good just not as BAD as eve...