Pushing forward....March 2013

Thsi March I will really work on my.....book.

Lord I never thought I would say those words. I think I need to do it for me and no one else. Yeah I've done fanfiction and I'm not one those classic writers that has a huge following which leads to a book/movie deal. I'm just a girl with story ideas and want to share them.

My writing is probably the closest people will get to me emotionally and mentally. Its sad but I have to close myself off from people. I allow them to hurt me - too much knowledge.

I will do it.

I need to find a writing group.

I need to be critiqued but I afraid of people who judge me....then again anyone who reads my stuff on fanfiction has judged me. Part of me refuses to let my guard down and another part of me needs to just deal with it.

Will do this!


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